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Chinese tech giant Huawei calls for reasonable patent protection and technology sharing and opposes excessive patent fees【半岛官方下载入口】

作者: 半岛官方下载入口 来源:   日期:2024-04-25 12:22

本文摘要:Chinese tech giant Huawei calls for reasonable patent protection and technology sharing and opposes excessive patent fees

By Kate Yuan

(JW Insights) Jul 14 -- Huawei is seeking a balanced intellectual property strategy, opposes excessive patent fees and supports reasonable patent protection and technology sharing, said Song Liuping, the company’s chief legal officer, at its Innovation and IP Forum held on July 13 in Shenzhen, Guangdong Province.

Chinese tech giant Huawei calls for reasonable patent protection and technology sharing and opposes excessive patent fees【半岛官方下载入口】(图1)

The Chinese tech giant announced royalty rates for its handsets, Wi-Fi, and IoT patent license programs at this event. It is committed to licensing its standard essential patents (SEPs) on fair, reasonable, and non-discriminatory (FRAND) principles, according to the company.

“Huawei is willing to share cutting-edge innovations in the form of patents with the world,” said Song, adding, “These will support the common, sustainable development of industries globally.”

Huawei firmly believes that respecting and protecting intellectual property rights is necessary for innovation. It pays attention to the protection of its own intellectual property rights, and also respects the intellectual property rights of others, he said.

The company’s cumulative R&D investment over the past ten years totaled RMB977.3 billion ($$137.14 billion). In 2022, its R&D expenditure stood at RMB161.5 billion ($$22.66 billion), or 25.1% of its revenue. The 2022 EU Industrial R&D Investment Scoreboard put Huawei No. 4 worldwide.

With that much investment, Huawei held over 120,000 valid authorized patents worldwide by the end of 2022, mainly distributed in China, Europe, the Americas, Asia-Pacific, the Middle East, and Africa.

“Huawei is open to cooperation and adheres to win-win cooperation. We are working with our industry partners to build an ecosystem for shared growth,” said Song.

Chinese tech giant Huawei calls for reasonable patent protection and technology sharing and opposes excessive patent fees

By Kate Yuan

(JW Insights) Jul 14 -- Huawei is seeking a balanced intellectual property strategy, opposes excessive patent fees and supports reasonable patent protection and technology sharing, said Song Liuping, the company’s chief legal officer, at its Innovation and IP Forum held on July 13 in Shenzhen, Guangdong Province.

Chinese tech giant Huawei calls for reasonable patent protection and technology sharing and opposes excessive patent fees【半岛官方下载入口】(图1)

The Chinese tech giant announced royalty rates for its handsets, Wi-Fi, and IoT patent license programs at this event. It is committed to licensing its standard essential patents (SEPs) on fair, reasonable, and non-discriminatory (FRAND) principles, according to the company.

“Huawei is willing to share cutting-edge innovations in the form of patents with the world,” said Song, adding, “These will support the common, sustainable development of industries globally.”

Huawei firmly believes that respecting and protecting intellectual property rights is necessary for innovation. It pays attention to the protection of its own intellectual property rights, and also respects the intellectual property rights of others, he said.

The company’s cumulative R&D investment over the past ten years totaled RMB977.3 billion ($$137.14 billion). In 2022, its R&D expenditure stood at RMB161.5 billion ($$22.66 billion), or 25.1% of its revenue. The 2022 EU Industrial R&D Investment Scoreboard put Huawei No. 4 worldwide.

With that much investment, Huawei held over 120,000 valid authorized patents worldwide by the end of 2022, mainly distributed in China, Europe, the Americas, Asia-Pacific, the Middle East, and Africa.

“Huawei is open to cooperation and adheres to win-win cooperation. We are working with our industry partners to build an ecosystem for shared growth,” said Song.

